Gand Mool Dosh Calculator by Birth Details
Check Gand Mool Dosh in your Birth Chart by your Birth details, If you are Born in Inauspicious Nakashtra then it is called Gand Mool Dosh or Born in Mool and as per Hindu Astrology it counts as inauspicious.
Gand Mool Dosh Analysis / Checking Cost is Rs. 501/-
If you want to know that Gand Mool Dosh is present or not in your Kundali / Birth Chart then you can know it by paying the Dosa Analysis Cost via given button from your Debit Card / Credit Card / Net Banking / Wallet / UPI Id.
After Payment share your Name, birth details with time and place and your query from given contact form or email: or whatsapp us at +917982361806. You will get details within 24 Hours.
What is Gand Mool Dosh?
Gand Mool Dosh occurs when the Moon is situated under any of the six nakshatras (Constellations) that make up the Gandmool Nakshatras at the moment of a person’s birth, Dosha occurs in his or her birth chart. There are 27 nakshatras in all, some are lucky some are unlucky. Rahu and Ketu rule six of them.
The natives are the ones who are afflicted by the Dosh. The type and severity of each Gandmool Dosha differ depending on the nakshatra. The Gandmool Nakshatra includes Ashlesha, Magha, Akashvani, Mool, Jyeshtha, and Revati. The Gandmool Nakshatra occurs when the zodiac and constellation both end in the same location.
Effects of the Gand Mool Dosh
Sometimes this Dosh can work well for the person and the person can lead a full and healthy life as well. But it all depends on the positioning of the planets. There are many effects of the Gand Mool Dosh, like:
- The person is considered unlucky
- Problems with parents
- Problems for the father
- Problems with the family
- Can be bound to waste money on useless things
- Can be easily tempted to buy things which are not required or needed
- Can face problems with the authority of the family, like father and older brother
- Can lose property and conflicts can arise due to that, the conflicts can be of the legal sort as well
Gand Mool Dosh Calculator
If you are facing such issues and you are not sure if you are affected by Gand Mool Dosh or not you are at the right place. We will take the right information from you to calculate if you are affected by the Dosh or not.
It is important to learn if you are affected by the Dosh so that you can start working on removing the Dosh from your charts or else it can face rather serious consequences. We will help you by taking the required information and then giving you the information as to how you can start working so that the dosh is removed from your charts.
Share your Name and Birth details from the given Contact Form: