Manglik Dosh Calculator by Birth Details
Are you suffering from the Manglik or Mangal Dosha? Share your Name, birth details with Time and Place to Check the Manglik Dosha in your Kundali. Manglik Dosha is a inauspicious situation which is formed in Birth Chart.
Manglik Dosh Analysis / Checking Cost is Rs. 501/-
If you want to know that Manglik Dosh is present or not in your Kundali / Birth Chart then you can know it by paying the Dosa Analysis Cost via given button from your Debit Card / Credit Card / Net Banking / Wallet / UPI Id.
After Payment share your Name, birth details with time and place and your query from given contact form or email: or whatsapp us at +917982361806. You will get details within 24 Hours.
What is Maglik Dosh or Mangal Dosh?
When Mars is placed in the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house in the Ascendant, it causes Mangal Dosh in the birth chart or horoscope of the person. Manglik is a person who has Mangal Dosh in their natal chart.
When Mars is in any of the houses indicated, it is called malefic, and it causes tension, dissatisfaction, and other sorts of calamities in their married life.
There are two types of Manglik Dosh, high Mangal Dosh and low Mangal Dosh. in high Mangal Dosh the person faces many problems and in the low Mangal Dosh the problems are not that severe and it is also said that after a certain age the problems can nullify on their own.
But when the Mangal Dosh is heavy, the person suffers a lot. Especially in their married life. If before marriage the dosh is not treated it can also result in the death of the spouse.
What are the effects of the Mangal Dosh?
There are many effects of the Mangal Dosh on the person, like:
- Problems in married life
- Trouble in starting a family, which ultimately is like having problems in married life
- The person can face problems at the work front
- Dishonestly and disharmony in relationships
- Debts and loss in property, mostly paternal property
- Generally, relationships not working well
- Going through breakups again and again
- Mental stress, stress at work and academics
Mangal Dosh Calculator
It is important to realize which type of Mangal Dosh you have at an early state so that you can save yourself the mental anguish and start treating the Dosh. If you’re suffering problems like these and aren’t sure if you have Manglik Dosh, you’ve come to the correct spot.
We’ll ask you for the information we need to see if you’re affected by the Dosh. It’s critical to figure out whether you’re affected by the Dosh so you can start deleting it from your charts before it causes major problems.
We’ll assist you by gathering the necessary information and then advising you on how to begin working so that the funds may be erased from your records.
Share your Name and Birth details from the given Contact Form: